It's foolishness, all this, he said, and sat to watch the game.
Let them all calm down, he said, soon enough it will be done
Sit down, we'll watch the game.
I worry sometimes, though, she said
They bother me, the noise they make. They never stop, I wish they would
But still …
She watched the game.
It's none of my concern, he said, and turned to watch the game
My voice? What is it I could say? I can't begin to turn the tide
What more can I do, anyway? Just sit and watch the game.
Hush. Hush. No need to make a noise. Sit here and watch them pass
Don't draw the fire of crazy men; don't lead the eye toward our place
Don't say a word, it's nowt of ours
Just sit and watch the game.
There is no line of decency, so hush now. Sit here, too
It's come before, ool come again
It's just a joke, give them a poke, electric jigger in ye hand
We'll laugh together all of us, when this is done and all is past
Just sit for now and haud yer wheesht
Sit still and watch the game.
Oh aye, you're giving away yer Celt roots here: haud yer wheesht, ye'll wake the weans.
I really liked this story/poem/thang - I imagined them sitting in front of the telly and letting it soothe them.
Stay on this vein - it's brilliant!
Ah well, you see, Fictionaut exploded.
Some left, some joined the mudslinging, some got in there and geed the others up, some went very quiet - a microcosm. I wrote a poem. :)
Awful business. Seems to have passed now.
My blood is all from Yorkshire, but the songlines that run deeper than blood are definitely Caledonian.
Fictionaut exploded? hahahaha
couldn't've made much of a bang ;]
It didn't work for me - and I don't think you can be diplomatic in such an environment.
There is an immediate heirarchy imposed by those who play the most fuck-up mind game.
no disrespect to you
My wife is full blooded second generation Scottish/Irish - she does sometimes say "haud yer wheesht"
I am lucky that I don't recognise literature when I see it. I don't know the rules and I find my literary quotes at I like to go to FN and read, but I left real world writers groups years ago because of the false notions of heirarchy and rule keepers imposing rules.
I don't notice too much politicking there. I don't involve myself in it. One of the looneys tried to start up again yesterday, but I see his forum thread is gone today. As my Papa would say, 'That is'.
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