Tuesday, March 30, 2010


Hello dear friends,

Today I procrastinated by reading web fiction. There is some really excellent fiction out there and up for grabs. But woe for the story which just doesn't fit.

I listed my online novels with Web Ficiton Guide, but they haven't been reviewed, only rated so far [many thanks Linda]. The editor who took the time to rate them does not enjoy romantic angst, and who can blame her. I don't much like it myself.

They carry the stigma of the tag 'Historical Romance' and that is not a popular tag in new online novels. What is popular? Ghoulies and ghosties and long leggedy beasties; blood suckers and lycanthropes; aliens and ogres. There are elves and goblins, swordsmen and magi, halflings, demons and angels. Multitudes of all the above, in any combination you could desire. [Most templates available at TV.com]

So then, to the free online romance guides - where the pages are pink or lilac; you could just sip some moet and nibble a ferrero rocher; provided you own a satin robe and feather boa. And romantics, one and all it seems, love romance as described by HM&B. Deviation is discouraged. And again, who can blame them, when the formula romance novel outsells all the other genres clumped together, including the legions named above.

Also, serialised fiction seems to be enormously popular. I delighted in that irony.

Those who know Barbara Cartland will know that she dictated 1000 words a day, completing a novel every two months. She didn't revise or rewrite, it was fine as it came off the tongue. If she'd had a blog she needn't have waited two months, she could have done as they do now, and published as she went.

I dare say much could be added regarding the quality and quanity of her work, its popularity and literary merit. Of course, she was paid for her efforts, and more could be said about that, too.

I read some forums here and there on the web, too. Whenever I see someone launching some abuse, or eager to tell the world how much they know, I wonder if they ever ask themselves if they know how much they don't know....

Emails were written today; the dogs were bathed; a shopping list was compiled, though why I don't know, since five listed items equals 72 in the trolley; and a grand total of 524 words were written. I make a 1000wrd/day rule, and I'm breaking that already. Discipline. Ha.

Tomorrow is April 1st. What a great idea, to celebrate the fools of the world. More of it, I say. Well done that fool! Here here.


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