Just lately people keep asking me the worst possible question. No, not questions about the motivating forces that apply to perambulating ducks, not ‘would you kill your child to save the world?’ not ‘do you want fries with that?’; worse.
What is your favourite book?
How does anyone ever answer that? At any given moment, it might be the book I am reading now or the one I wish I was reading. I do not have any exclusivity in genre preferences; I’ll read most things and enjoy many. There are too many variables that influence my choice.
There is the weather. Cold wet weather makes me want to read classics. If I can curl up in comfy chair with a hot Milo or Irish coffee, with a TimTam and a duvet, then I like to read old books and pretend it is a simpler time or the world is a different place. So I’d have to start with a list of classical Literature that I have enjoyed repeatedly. But to pick one? [more....]
Wow! I have tried writing one of these articles time and again; and I haven't really succeeded in making it sound - or work - right. However, whenever I ask the question of what your favourite book is, it usually is a mixed reaction. My followers tell me that they have too many books to choose from or they have read so many they couldn't pick just one.
And I'm afraid to say, but I'm the same. But if you wish to take something anywhere near a doctor's waiting room, do take 'Good Reading' magazine... it's a great magazine which fills in time with interesting articles about just about anything and fantastic book reviews; and just enough to read for when you've settled in for 5 minutes and your doctor calls your name. :)
I have to start visiting your doctor. Mine is across from the railway station and beside the DSS in Logan Central, so you can imagine the colourful characters that pass us by. I wait an hour sometimes for a visit.
I have a shelf of paperbacks that I have loved for years that I choose from as I go out the door. That way I know I can read any bit of it at any time, and put it aside without having to finish. It's a reading cheat, I know, but I find short stories are either brilliant or terrible and rarely in between, and I tend to read most of my media/mags online, now.
my favorite one is tom sawyer ^^
Good choice.
When I first read The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant in the ...70s? I could actually say for once that I had a favourite book [or series], fullstop. Since then, I waver day to day.
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